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Time Taken

Unaudited Financial Results BOARD MEETING OUTCOME 14-02-2025 16:17:52 14-02-2025 16:17:52 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 31.12.2024. 15-01-2025 17:51:54 15-01-2025 17:51:54 00:00:00
Compliance Statement of Investor Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the Quarter ended December, 31st 2024. 10-01-2025 14:11:41 10-01-2025 14:11:41 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Closure of Trading Window 31-12-2024 13:39:23 31-12-2024 13:39:23 00:00:00
Unaudited Financial Results Outcome of Board Meeting held on 13.11.2024. 13-11-2024 13:34:12 13-11-2024 13:34:12 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 30.09.2024. 07-10-2024 14:17:54 07-10-2024 14:17:54 00:00:00
Compliance Statement of Investor Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the Quarter ended September, 30 2024. 07-10-2024 13:25:22 07-10-2024 13:25:22 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Closure of Trading Window Reg 28-09-2024 22:56:24 28-09-2024 22:56:24 00:00:00
Annual Report Submission of Annual Report in pursuance of Regulation 34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 – Reg., 06-09-2024 15:02:10 06-09-2024 15:02:10 00:00:00
Record Date Intimation of 39th Annual General Meeting – Reg 06-09-2024 14:54:40 06-09-2024 14:54:40 00:00:00
Book Closure Intimation of Annual General Meeting and Book Closure 06-09-2024 14:51:45 06-09-2024 14:51:45 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 30.06.2024 12-07-2024 14:37:56 12-07-2024 14:37:56 00:00:00
Compliance Statement of Investor Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the Quarter ended June, 30 2024. 05-07-2024 13:22:48 05-07-2024 13:22:48 00:00:00
Compliance : Compliances for the quarter ended 30 th June, 2024, under Regulation 27 (2) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 04-07-2024 16:29:41 04-07-2024 16:29:41 00:00:00
Compliance Closure of Trading Window Reg 28-06-2024 13:55:55 28-06-2024 13:55:55 00:00:00
Compliance Statement of Investor Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the Quarter ended March, 31 2024 24-06-2024 11:25:09 24-06-2024 11:25:09 00:00:00
Compliance Non-Applicability of Annual Secretarial Report for the Year Ended 31st March,2024 04-06-2024 15:53:37 04-06-2024 15:53:37 00:00:00
Audited Financial Results Outcome of Board Meeting held on 30.05.2024 30-05-2024 21:53:00 30-05-2024 21:53:00 00:00:00
Voting Results Submission of Results along with Scrutinizer Report of EGM held on 30.04.2024 and disclosure under Regulation 44 of SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015. 01-05-2024 22:01:26 01-05-2024 22:01:26 00:00:00
Company Update Disclosure of the proceedings of the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015. 30-04-2024 13:56:15 30-04-2024 13:56:15 00:00:00
Company Update Corrigendum to Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 29-04-2024 17:52:35 29-04-2024 17:52:35 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 40(9) and 40(10) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the year ended 31ST March, 2024. 18-04-2024 14:15:47 18-04-2024 14:15:47 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Intimation – News paper Publication of Notice of Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the company 13-04-2024 15:22:25 13-04-2024 15:22:25 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate for the quarter ended 31ST March, 2024 regarding maintenance of Structure Digital Database (SDD) pursuant of provisions of Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations., 2015 (PIT Regulations). 11-04-2024 16:25:33 11-04-2024 16:25:33 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 31.03.2024. 11-04-2024 15:23:32 11-04-2024 15:23:32 00:00:00
Compliance Compliances for the quarter ended 31st March, 2024, under Regulation 27 (2) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 11-04-2024 00:12:43 11-04-2024 00:12:43 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance as per Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the Year ended 31.03.2024. 10-04-2024 14:42:30 10-04-2024 14:42:30 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window CLOSURE OF TRADING WINDOW 31-03-2024 19:19:46 31-03-2024 19:19:46 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Closure of Trading Window Reg., 23-03-2024 16:51:09 23-03-2024 16:51:09 00:00:00
Unaudited Financial Results Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.02.2024 14-02-2024 17:02:49 14-02-2024 17:02:49 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 55A of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 for the Quarter ended on 31.12.2023 20-01-2024 11:12:51 20-01-2024 11:12:51 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate for the quarter ended 31st December, 2023 regarding maintenance of Structure Digital Database (SDD) pursuant of provisions of Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations., 2015 (PIT Regulatio 13-01-2024 17:42:45 13-01-2024 17:42:45 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 31.12.2023 09-01-2024 16:40:55 09-01-2024 16:40:55 00:00:00
Compliance Compliances for the quarter ended 31 st December, 2023, under Regulation 27 (2) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 06-01-2024 19:23:15 06-01-2024 19:23:15 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Closure of Trading Window 31-12-2023 13:20:57 31-12-2023 13:20:57 00:00:00
Unaudited Financial Results OUTCOME OF BOARD MEETING 14-11-2023 16:15:14 14-11-2023 16:15:14 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 55A of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 for the Quarter ended on 30.09.2023 21-10-2023 13:08:41 21-10-2023 13:08:41 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate for the quarter ended 30th September, 2023 regarding maintenance of Structure Digital Database (SDD) pursuant of provisions of Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations., 2015 (PIT Regulat 21-10-2023 12:49:10 21-10-2023 12:49:10 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 30.09.2023. 13-10-2023 15:25:14 13-10-2023 15:25:14 00:00:00
Compliance Compliances for the quarter ended 30TH September, 2023, under Regulation 27 (2) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 09-10-2023 15:46:49 09-10-2023 15:46:49 00:00:00
Voting Results Outcome of AGM and Disclosure under Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015– Reg. 01-10-2023 19:55:09 01-10-2023 19:55:09 00:00:00
Voting Results Submission of Voting Results of 38 th Annual General Meeting for the Financial Year 2022-23 of Globe Multi Ventures Ltd. (Formerly known as Glove Commercials Ltd) 01-10-2023 19:54:06 01-10-2023 19:54:06 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window CLOSURE OF TRADING 30-09-2023 23:28:47 30-09-2023 23:28:47 00:00:00
Compliance Submission of Annual Report in pursuance of Regulation 34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 – Reg., 10-09-2023 20:34:57 10-09-2023 20:34:57 00:00:00
Book Closure Intimation of Annual General Meeting and Book Closure 08-09-2023 23:00:19 08-09-2023 23:00:19 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate for the quarter ended 30th June, 2023 regarding maintenance of Structure Digital Database (SDD) pursuant of provisions of Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations., 2015 (PIT Regulations). 01-08-2023 15:09:36 01-08-2023 15:09:36 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 55A of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 for the Quarter ended on 30.06.2023 24-07-2023 16:37:07 24-07-2023 16:37:07 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Certificate under Regulation 13(3) of (LODR), 2015, for the third quarter ended 30.06.2023 13-07-2023 13:00:54 13-07-2023 13:00:54 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 30.06.2023 13-07-2023 12:47:44 13-07-2023 12:47:44 00:00:00
Compliance Compliances for the quarter ended 30TH June, 2023, under Regulation 27 (2) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 13-07-2023 12:44:38 13-07-2023 12:44:38 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Closure of Trading Window 01-07-2023 16:02:00 01-07-2023 16:02:00 00:00:00
Audited Financial Results Outcome of Board Meeting held on 29.05.2023 30-05-2023 13:37:05 30-05-2023 13:37:05 00:00:00
Compliance Compliances-Reg.24(A)-Annual Secretarial Compliance 30-05-2023 13:33:35 30-05-2023 13:33:35 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 55A of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 for the Quarter ended on 31.03.2023. 27-04-2023 15:48:59 27-04-2023 15:48:59 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 31.03.2023 26-04-2023 18:06:38 26-04-2023 18:06:38 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 40(9) and 40(10) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the year ended 31ST March, 2023. 26-04-2023 18:02:51 26-04-2023 18:02:51 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 13(3) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the third quarter ended 31.03.2023 08-04-2023 20:40:57 08-04-2023 20:40:57 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance as per Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the Year ended 31.03.2023 08-04-2023 20:24:24 08-04-2023 20:24:24 00:00:00
Compliance Compliances for the quarter ended 31ST March, 2023, under Regulation 27 (2) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 08-04-2023 19:55:13 08-04-2023 19:55:13 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Closure of Trading Window 01-04-2023 13:30:16 01-04-2023 13:30:16 00:00:00



Date Time


No Financial Results Available


Period Ended Date / As on Date

Date Time


GLOBE 31-Mar-2018 17-Apr-2018 04:42:48 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Jun-2018 17-Jul-2018 12:23:35 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Sep-2018 19-Oct-2018 11:29:04 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Dec-2018 12-Jan-2019 11:59:18 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Mar-2019 12-Apr-2019 04:40:59 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Jun-2019 20-Jul-2019 12:11:54 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Sep-2019 16-Oct-2019 03:00:05 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Dec-2019 20-Jan-2020 04:50:39 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Mar-2020 14-May-2020 05:30:38 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Jun-2020 20-Jul-2020 12:37:54 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Sep-2020 21-Oct-2020 10:58:47 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Mar-2021 10-May-2021 10:26:53 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Dec-2020 19-May-2021 06:26:29 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Jun-2021 20-Jul-2021 11:21:09 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Dec-2022 18-Jan-2023 12:54:03 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Mar-2023 20-Apr-2023 03:10:43 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Mar-2023 20-Apr-2023 03:12:38 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Mar-2023 20-Apr-2023 03:15:04 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Mar-2023 20-Apr-2023 03:16:07 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Jun-2023 21-Jul-2023 12:45:28 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Jun-2023 21-Jul-2023 12:46:18 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Sep-2023 19-Oct-2023 05:11:56 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Sep-2023 20-Oct-2023 11:46:05 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Sep-2023 20-Oct-2023 11:47:35 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Dec-2023 13-Jan-2024 05:44:11 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Mar-2024 21-Apr-2024 12:14:23 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Jun-2024 19-Jul-2024 06:39:06 XBRL
GLOBE 30-Sep-2024 20-Oct-2024 10:44:09 XBRL
GLOBE 31-Dec-2024 18-Jan-2025 07:55:08 XBRL



Book Closure / Record Date

16-Apr-2024 EGM 18-Apr-2024
20-Sep-2023 AGM 22-Sep-2023 - 29-Sep-2023
06-Jan-2023 Bonus 1:1 07-Jan-2023
21-Dec-2022 Annual General Meeting 23-Dec-2022 - 29-Dec-2022
22-Sep-2020 Annual General Meeting 24-Sep-2020 - 30-Sep-2020

Type of Meeting


Exchange Received Time

Disseminated Time

Time Taken

Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of Board Meeting U/R 29 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. 10-03-2025 14:02:09 10-03-2025 14:02:09 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting BOARD MEETING OUTCOME 14-02-2025 16:18:54 14-02-2025 16:18:54 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of Board Meeting 29-01-2025 14:29:08 29-01-2025 14:29:08 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 13.11.2024. 13-11-2024 13:36:39 13-11-2024 13:36:39 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of Board Meeting U/R 29 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. 06-11-2024 16:00:56 06-11-2024 16:00:56 00:00:00
Outcome of AGM Submission of Voting Results of 39th Annual General Meeting for the Financial Year 2023-24 of Globe Multi Ventures Ltd. (Formerly known as Glove Commercials Ltd) 28-09-2024 22:31:58 28-09-2024 22:31:58 00:00:00
Outcome of AGM Outcome of AGM and Disclosure under Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015– Reg., 28-09-2024 22:31:04 28-09-2024 22:31:04 00:00:00
Outcome of AGM Outcome of the 39th Annual General Meeting (AGM) under Regulation 30 read with Para A (13) of the Schedule Ill of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015. 27-09-2024 12:49:49 27-09-2024 12:49:49 00:00:00
Outcome of AGM Submission of the Proceedings of 39TH Annual General Meeting held on 27.09.2024. 27-09-2024 12:48:43 27-09-2024 12:48:43 00:00:00
Intimation of AGM Intimation of 39th Annual General Meeting – Reg 06-09-2024 14:55:59 06-09-2024 14:55:59 00:00:00
Intimation of AGM Intimation of 39th Annual General Meeting – Reg 06-09-2024 14:53:30 06-09-2024 14:53:30 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board meeting held on 27.08.2024 27-08-2024 12:22:24 27-08-2024 12:22:24 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of holding the Board Meeting 22-08-2024 15:28:48 22-08-2024 15:28:48 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting 14-08-2024 18:11:12 14-08-2024 18:11:12 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Corporate Announcement u/r 29(1) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 regarding intimation of holding the Board Meeting. 05-08-2024 19:23:14 05-08-2024 19:23:14 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 30.05.2024 30-05-2024 21:52:05 30-05-2024 21:52:05 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of Board Meeting u/r 29(1) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. 20-05-2024 16:19:08 20-05-2024 16:19:08 00:00:00
Outcome of EGM Disclosure of the proceedings of the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015. 30-04-2024 13:54:53 30-04-2024 13:54:53 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting CORRIGENDUM TO OUTCOME OF BOARD MEETING HELD ON 30.03.2024 24-04-2024 08:16:22 24-04-2024 08:16:22 00:00:00
Intimation of EGM EGM Notice - Scheduled to be held on 30.04.2024 05-04-2024 23:59:20 05-04-2024 23:59:20 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Corrigendum to outcome of Board meeting held on 30.03.2024 03-04-2024 17:31:33 03-04-2024 17:31:33 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting OUTCOME OF BOARD MEETING 31-03-2024 19:07:46 31-03-2024 19:07:46 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.02.2024 14-02-2024 17:03:50 14-02-2024 17:03:50 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of Board Meeting U/R 29 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 30-01-2024 12:41:10 30-01-2024 12:41:10 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.11.2023 14-11-2023 16:16:26 14-11-2023 16:16:26 00:00:00
Outcome of AGM Proceedings of the 38TH Annual General Meeting held on 29.09.2023 29-09-2023 12:42:09 29-09-2023 12:42:09 00:00:00
Intimation of AGM Intimation of 38 th Annual General Meeting – Reg., 08-09-2023 23:03:26 08-09-2023 23:03:26 00:00:00
Intimation of AGM INTIMATION OF AGM 04-09-2023 13:40:34 04-09-2023 13:40:34 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.08.2023 14-08-2023 18:38:15 14-08-2023 18:38:15 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of Board Meeting U/R 29 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 03-08-2023 13:08:06 03-08-2023 13:08:06 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 29.05.2023 30-05-2023 13:23:49 30-05-2023 13:23:49 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Corporate Announcement u/r 29(1) (a) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 regarding intimation of holding the Board Meeting. 18-05-2023 18:35:46 18-05-2023 18:35:46 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting INTIMATION OF BOARD MEETING FOR SUB-DIVISION / SPLIT 23-03-2023 16:19:23 23-03-2023 16:19:23 00:00:00


Period Ended Date / As on Date

Date Time