MSE has established an Investor Protection Fund with the objective of compensating investors in the event of defaulters' assets not being sufficient to meet the admitted claims of investors, promoting investor education, awareness and research. The Investor Protection Fund is administered by way of registered Trust created for the purpose. The Investor Protection Fund Trust is managed by Trustees comprising of Public representative, investor association representative, Board Members and Senior officials of the Exchange.
The Investor Protection Fund Trust, based on the recommendations of the Member and Core Settlement Guarantee Fund Committee (formerly Defaulters' Committee), compensates the investors to the extent of funds found insufficient in Defaulters' account to meet the admitted value of claim, subject to a maximum limit of ₹ 2 lakhs per investor per defaulter/expelled member in respect of claims arising on expulsion/declaration of default of members and subject to an overall limit per defaulter / expelled member.
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Srivastava, Trustee
Mr. Dinesh C. Patwari, Trustee
Mr. Ashok Kumar Dogra, Trustee
Mr. P. K. Ramesh, Trustee
Ms. Divya Lalwani, Trustee
* As on 28th February 2025
Standard Operating Procedure
Defaulters Section FAQ
Policy for evaluation of claims
Registration of claim against defaulter/expelled members
My exchange
NISM certification
Membership Documents
Connectivity Documents