Market Timings

Trading on the equities segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the equities segment are:

  • A) Pre-open session
    Order Entry & Modification Open: 09:00 Hrs
    Order Entry & Modification Close: 09:08 Hrs*
    *with random closure in last one minute. Pre-open order matching starts immediately after close of pre-open order entry.

  • B) Regular trading session
    Normal / Limited Physical Market Open: 09:15 Hrs
    Normal / Limited Physical Market Close: 15:30 Hrs

  • C) Closing Session
    The Closing Session is held between 15.40 Hrs and 16.00 Hrs

  • D) Block Deal Session Timings:
    Morning Window: This window shall operate between 08:45 AM to 09:00 AM.
    Afternoon Window: This window shall operate between 02:05 PM to 2:20 PM.